FrontSight has been a true blessing for me. It’s where I’ve found warriors in Christ and Warriors in arms, a place to heal.
FrontSight has been my rock in my darkest hours. I found Jesus Christ and a place to call home. There is no place where I’d rather be than here at FrontSight. Since my days in the Army I have found the strength to carry on with my brothers and sisters by my side!
FrontSight has been a blessing for me. It has been a community where I have found the camaraderie that I missed while I was in the service.
FrontSight is a great community to connect with other veterans. I can say it’s a safe community and it follows the voice of God. Great amenities from fitness equipment to a place to take a break from a long day at work.
FrontSight is not just a place, it’s people who make you feel welcome. When you are there you are part of a family, a military family that will have your back and lead you to where you need to be. It’s a place that assures you that you are never alone.
I was sinking into destructive resorts to numb and subdue the rage and pain that I still contend with. Now I stand shoulder to shoulder with other warriors who love God and are seeking him through the bible. These are weapons of warfare now and FrontSight is the tip of the spear in the battle to bring those of us that are broken to the only one who can redeem us found in Jesus Christ.
FrontSight is genuine, no one pretends they are perfect, but they encourage us not to live in the condemnation of our past. God is using FrontSight to pour out grace in our veterans.
Frontsight to me has become a place of accountability. It keeps me grounded not only mentally but also spiritually. It helps bring back that camaraderie that is missing from separating from the service. This place is my home away from home.
Once I left the service and the brothers I made while I was in, I felt lost and out of place. There was an emptiness that my family and friends couldn’t fill or replace. Until I found FrontSight! For me it was and still is a place of healing from my tours overseas. It’s where I can go to be around guys that know where I’ve been and what I’m dealing with. It’s a place where I always feel at home!